November 2019
marked the first ever Indiana Pez gathering (as far as I know).
In honor of this event that I hope continues for many years to
come, I put together some Pezzified tributes to some of the famous
people, culture, and sports from the Hoosier state, along with
the most famous movie franchise featuring the word "Indiana,"
Indiana Jones. This is a work in progress. Click on any picture
for a larger view and an explanation of how it ties into Indiana.
Also, below
the pictures is some Pez poetry
related to Indiana. Enjoy!

Indiana Pez Poetry
New Palestine, Indiana)
Driving down
to New Pal,
Another grand adventure,
To see some friends and share again
This world of Pez dispensers.
'Twas there
I found a few pals,
Some people and some plastic.
The smiles, they were on display
It really was fantastic.
And I am telling
you, pal,
When Pezheads do collect
From near or far there always are
Some good times to expect.
This troop
of tried and true pals,
Its ranks are great and growing.
Put wheels to gravel, have Pez will travel!
The fun, so free and flowing.
So here's
some breaking news, pal,
To take from this endeavor:
Some things collapse sometimes, perhaps,
But Pez is here forever.
Pez Haiku
There's more
than corn in
Indiana. There's also
Us Pez collectors.
Pez Haiku
I'll never
win the
Indy 500, but I
Will kiss the Pez bricks.
There once
was a Pezhead named Lorne,
A Hoosier from when he was born.
He quite rocked the boat
When he said, and I quote,
"I love Pez much more so than corn."
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