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Pezhead Monthly
May 2004

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2004 Pez Poetry Slam (continued) top of page | cover page

Pez Haiku #39
By Min Tonkard

As I eat popcorn
He asks me for a Pez poem,
And so here it is.

Sizing It Up
By Joe Durrant

Not long ago, some bored rich guys
Decided that it would be wise
To drastically increase the size
Of Pez dispensers to be sold.
The clown was first, but not the last,
So many more would join the cast,
Twenty bucks apiece, they passed
From store to Pez collector hold.

Then some more these guys did think,
And realized that Pez should shrink.
Before we knew it, in a blink,
Party favors were the rage.
They came together, packs of four,
Tiny trucks and dinosaurs,
Tiny whistles, bugs, and more,
So many players for the stage.

It took me greater than two years,
But each Giant Pez is here,
In my collection they appear,
And all the party favors too.
There's just one problem that I face,
I've run completely out of space,
And there is not a single place
For me to add some more Pez to.

And so I think back and reflect
On why I chose to Pez collect
And if I truly did expect
That one day I would have it all.
I think I'll get back to my roots,
And give those mutant Pez the boot,
I'll turn again, this grand pursuit,
Towards Pez not big or small.

By Adam Christmas

"Sweet, crunchy,
Bright colours, faces:
Pez goodness."

Down and Out
By Joe Durrant


Pez Haiku #40
By Joe Durrant

The dog is barking
While I am deep in Pez thought.
Put him outside, please.

The Envelope, Please
By M.T. Chambers

I'd like to thank the members
Of the academy
Whose votes this year allowed
The winner to be me.
I'd like to thank my costars,
And all the nominees,
Who one and all should share
This honor equally.
I'd like to thank my wife,
And my whole family,
Without whose love and support
I don't know where I'd be.
And last, I'd like to take
This opportunity
To thank the Pez for being
Such a tasty treat.

The 2004 Pez Poetry Slam continues here...

Pez Almost-Quote of the Month top of page | cover page

"Don't judge a man until you've walked a mile with his Pez dispensers."


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