Submissions to Pezhead Monthly are always welcome. Sharing your appreciation of Pez in literary or artistic form will, in some small way, make the world a better place. (This has not been scientifically proven, but I have a good hunch about it.) Please read on for details about content requirements, submission acceptance, and payment for submissions. Type of Content for Submission Here's the main requirement for any and all submissions to Pezhead Monthly: The submission must relate someway, somehow, to Pez. Having said that, please don't just submit a list or photos of your Pez collection. Instead, please try to create something about Pez, whether it's about the famous design of a Pez dispenser, or the taste of Pez candy, or the happiness you get from popping a Pez, or whatever other Pez thing you may have on your mind, as long as it's your vision, art, or story. This is what I like to call "thinking outside of the dispenser" and it can be done in many different ways. For example:
These are just some examples. Have a look at the Pezhead Monthly archive for some other ideas. Another option is to be featured in the Pezhead Monthly Spotlight. In this case, if you already created something Pez-related and have an outlet for it, such as a YouTube channel, Instagram feed, or similar, and you'd be interested in this being shared in Pezhead Monthly, then let's get in touch! Regarding length of submissions, there is virtually no limit. However, any submissions over 1000 words may be split out among 2 or more issues by the editor. If submitting a photo or artwork, please try to keep each file to a maximum of 1 MB. (Your photo or artwork may be reduced in size/resolution to view on the web page, but a link to the full resolution image will be provided.) Your submission can be under your name, a nomme de plume, or simply as "Anonymous" if you wish. However, a valid e-mail address is required for all submissions, so that Pezhead Monthly can respond to you as necessary. Lastly, please do NOT submit any inappropriate material. Please keep in mind that Pezhead Monthly is a publication that's meant to be enjoyed by kids of all ages. This means no nudity, vulgarity, or potentially divisive topics like politics or religion. Submission Acceptance You don't need to be Shakespeare or Rembrandt to have a submission accepted by Pezhead Monthly. All you have to do is express your appreciation of Pez in an artistic, literary, poetic, and/or humorous way. Simply put, if you take the time to submit a creative tribute to Pez, your efforts will be given the recognition they deserve. Also, please only submit your original work. Pezhead Monthly will strive to verify that each submission is in fact created by the person submitting it (or is at least deemed acceptable for submission by the person who created it). If a submission needs some minor editorial tweaking (typos, etc.), the editor will take care of this. If more substantial revising is needed, the editor will be happy to work with you on this. Lastly, all submissions to Pezhead Monthly become the shared property of Pezhead Monthly and you. You may send and/or publish your submissions to anyone else you'd like, even if it is already featured on the pages of Pezhead Monthly. Pezhead Monthly reserves the right to reject your submission for any reason, but I will absolutely try my best to accommodate your work and give it the respect it deserves, because Pez creativity should be shared and celebrated! Payment Policy I regret to inform that at this point I am unable to pay for any submissions accepted to Pezhead Monthly. Pezhead Monthly wants your submission! I encourage you to share your creative talents by submitting to Pezhead Monthly. You can submit via the form on the Contact page or via e-mail to joe@pezheadmonthly.com. If we're friends on Facebook, you can also send me a PM there.