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Happy Valentine's Day from Pezhead Monthly

Enjoy these Valentine's Day treats from the Pezhead Monthly archives!

Love SongsPez Poetry and Almost-QuotesInterviewsPictures and Other Stuff

Love Songs | top of page

Love Songs, Collection One - This first collection features lyrics to 4 Pez song parodies, but only the choruses. Perhaps one days, I will develop these into full songs... 

Love Songs, Collection Two - This collection features lyrics to five complete Pez song parodies, includiing a Pezzified version of the Kenny Rogers & Dolly Parton hit "Islands in the Stream" 

Love Songs, Collection Three - Lyrics to three more complete songs comprise this collection, including a song inspired by a classic hit by The Shirelles.

Pez Poetry and Almost-Quotes | top of page


Pez Haiku #21

She loves Pez, she loves
Pez not. She loves Pez, she loves
Pez not… She loves Pez!

After the Love Has Gone

February 16th,
Be still my beating heart,
That was when I found you
Inside that discount cart.

Ev'ry Pez beside you
Already had been chosen.
Why did they pass you over,
What made you so imposing?

I didn't see a reject
Looking back at me;
I saw a crystal heart,
Yearning to be free.

After the love has gone,
There's sometimes reappearance.
I knew it when I found you
And plus, you were on clearance.

Pez Haiku #34

I gave you my heart,
So please don't go breaking it
By selling my Pez.

I Gave My Love a Pez

I gave my love a Pez,
And she just stared at me.
I tried to tell her that it meant
That like Pez she was sweet

She told me that she hated
Those candies shaped like bricks,
And if I were to be her man,
I'd better lose them quick.

I gave my love a Pez,
But that was long ago.
She may have been sent from up above,
I guess I'll never know.

Pez Haiku #159

Love is in the air
And fruity candy is in
The Pez dispensers.

A+ Plush

My eyes went wide, my face felt flush
The day I heard of new Pez plush.
From browsing on the Book of Faces,
To being off and to the races.

To CVS I quickly rushed,
To track it down, the new Pez plush.
While V-Day battled Christmas clearance,
The plush did not make an appearance.

The same sad song, it stirred me such,
As I kept looking for Pez plush.
Round the corner, browse the aisles,
Repeated 'cross the many miles.

But just as hope was nearly crushed,
I finally found the new Pez plush.
A trio of Pez Valentines
At long last now can be called mine.


There once was a Pezhead named Harry
Whose favorite flavor was cherry.
He'd never forget
When Sally he met;
They both found Pez extraordinary.


There once was a Pezhead named Gomez,
A dapper, fine fellow, oh yes.
And his dear Morticia
Was all that he wished for,
Along with a house full o’ Pez.

A Dozen Red Roses

Roses are red,
Dispensers are small.
I love when they spring
And hate when they fall.

Roses need water,
Chapped lips need balm.
You're always refreshing
When on Pez dot com.

Roses are red
And pizza is cheesy.
The Pez hunt is hard,
But the spending is easy.

Roses are rosy,
Peaches are peachy.
A Pez dance of joy:
Veni, vidi, vici.

Roses are red,
SpongeBob is gold
I love you like Pez
Loves re-using molds

Roses are silent,
Cannons go boom.
It’s always a party
When in my Pez room

Roses are red
And I'm a collector
I'll trade you my Fred
For your mint Eerie Spectre

Roses in vases,
Pez upon shelves.
Both will look better
With more of themselves.

Roses are red
And sugar is sweet.
I jump for the Pez
Without any feet.

The sleeve is for candy,
The head is for flipping.
The rose is new Pez,
The thorn is the shipping.

Roses are red
And Yoda's a mentor
Let's rendezvous at
The Pez Visitor Center

A dozen red roses,
A dozen Pez bricks.
My buzz, not from sugar,
But from those endless kicks.


"How do I love Pez? Let me count the ways."

"When I get that feeling, I need Pezual healing."

"If you love Pez, set it free. If it comes back, it was meant to be."

"When you realize you want to spend the rest of your life collecting Pez, you want the rest of your life to start as soon as possible."

"Shut up, just shut up. You had me at Hello Kitty Pez dispenser."

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One Question For, And A Love Song From, The Cherub Pez Dispenser- A burning question is asked of Cherub Pez, and not only does he answer that question, he also serenades us with a song.

Five Questions For, And A Love Song From, The Valentine's Day Teddy Bear Pez Dispenser- Teddy Bear Pez answers the Five Questions with grace and style, and then proceeds to give us a Pezzified version of an Elvis classic. (Note: at the time of this interview, this "Love" Bear was the only Teddy Bear Pez dispenser; in 2012, two more Teddy Bear Pez dispensers were added: Hugs and Kisses.)

Pictures and Other Stuff
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Dr. Pez Presents: Advice For The Pez Lovelorn- When presented with stories of Pez-related woe, Dr. Pez offers advice as only he can.

Pez Dispensers In Love: A Photo Essay- Several photos of various Pez couples, Can you feel the love tonight?

All You Need Is (Pez) Love

Here is the cover image from the February 2012 issue of Pezhead Monthly. (Look carefully for a Pezzified actor credit!)

February 2012 cover image
(click image for a larger view)

Here is a Pezzy reimagining of an iconic scene from "Empire Strikes Back."

(click image for a larger view)

Here are some Pezzified candy conversation hearts!

Near... far... wherever Pez are...

Excuse me, ladies... we always dress for dinner here!

Roses are groovy
And so is De Niro.
Happy Valentine's Day
From my favorite Pez hero.

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Copyright © 2001-2024 JoePez Publications
"Pezhead Monthly" is in no way affiliated with Pez Candy, Inc.
PEZ is a registered trademark of PEZ Candy Company Inc., Orange, Connecticut.

Enjoy Pez, but please do so responsibly.